Monday, 26 August 2013

TrollStation Notting Hill Carnival Edition

Gomes goes around Notting Hill carnival on a mad one asking people if they want coke, peas and the D.
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Friday, 23 August 2013

Trollstation Do you want the Peas Prank

In a time of recession and hard times Our troll @NathanAHTV & @JoseComedian goes around London asking people if they need peas..... for other words MONEY!!!

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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

TrollStation A Squeezy John Lewis Edition

A Squeezy and his mates go clothes shopping in john lewis this is what happened.
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Friday, 16 August 2013

TrollStation Mi6 double O agent Prank

In this video our trolls @GomesAHTV & @NathanAHTV pretend to be a secret service agent tracking suspects around London.

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

TrollStation UK - The new channel taking over youtube!

Troll Station UK is a new online comedy channel exclusively for YouTube. We specialize in Comedy; hidden camera pranks, sketches and parodies. Generally anything to do with madness. Our content will be intentionally provocative and controversial with the aim to offend and harass the general public in the name of comedy. Welcome to TrollStation UK!

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TrollStation Moving Food in Pecknarm

Our troll goes to Peckham with a bag of goodies to shot to the public!
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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Trollstation Do you want the Big D?

The gang hit Brixton asking hood girls if they want the D, and in case you dont know it means the DICK Lol

Follow the Team: @TrollstationUK @NathanAHTV @OfficialDigital @GomesAHTV @JoseComedian